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About us
A & H Security Services, LLC is a provider of security services specializing in uniformed protective
security to non-profit organizations, government agencies, and private sector clients. Our mission is
to provide a safe and secure environment for those in need while addressing the security concerns
of building management, employees, and tenant agencies.
A&H History
A&H Security Services was founded by Felix Cabreja, Felix is seasoned security professional withover four decades of professional experience in providing security services to government agencies.Felix earned his reputation for excellence in 1993, when his prior company became a sub-contractorfor guard service on several NYC government contracts. Through excellent service, the firmdistinguished itself as a solution provider that could meet the demand for high level guard servicedispersed at multiple locations in challenging security environments. Under Felix’s management anddirection, the company grew to over 1,900 employees in 9 states.
Felix directly attributes his success in the security guard industry to three key things; training,employee retention, and customer service. Following the approval of the Security Guard Act of 1992,Felix implemented a specialized training program for security officers assigned to NYC governmentcontracts. Felix became licensed as Security Guard Instructor and opened his own security guardtraining school where he directly oversaw the provision of 8-hour pre-assignment training, 16-hourOJT, and annual in-service training as required by law. Felix also implemented supervisory trainingprograms, fire safety programs, and client specific security courses required by New York Cityagencies and New York City law. He is also a certified fire safety instructor and has a fire safetycertification school within A&H Security facility.
A&H specializes in security specifically designed for non-profit organization, these organizations aretypically composed of nursing homes, supportive housing, shelters for the homeless, rehabilitationclinics, substance abuse clinics, and healthcare facilities. A&H was formed to address the specificneeds of community based non-profit organizations providing services to New York City persons inneed of housing, substance addiction treatment, and healthcare. In doing so, A&H has significantexpertise managing projects requiring the deployment of several officers at multiple locations thatentail complex logistics, supervision, management and specialized training pertaining to these typesof sites.